ODL Dental Clinic
London United KingdomODL Dental is a well-established multi award-winning, cosmetic dental clinic in London offering high quality teeth straightening (braces), cosmetic and general dental treatments, with over a decade of treating patients. Our team of more than 80 professionals have trained in the UK and abroad, creating a highly skilled, friendly and multi-lingual team to best serve our patients' needs.
Environmental & Social Impact Performance
Energy Use
Heating is controlled on a zonal basis.Radiators are bled annually just before the cold season.Thermostatic radiator valves are fitted to each radiator and adjusted for comfort.All electricity is purchased from a renewable energy provider.Systems are in place that monitor and record the energy consumed.All TVs and non-essential electrical items are turned off at the end of the day and not put on standby.Computers and peripherals are switched off at the end of the day.
Team Well-Being
All employees have the right to form and join trade unions of their choice (or to choose not to) and the right to bargain collectively.A fully funded defined-benefits pension plan or a defined-contribution pension plan is available to all employees.Internal and external sources provide annual education, training and development.All team members are paid at least a living wage.An employee concerns/complaints process is in place that is accessible to all employees.National labour laws or widely adopted minimum standards regarding work hours, overtime compensation, and contract hours have been adopted.Employees are paid holiday leave in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.Employees receive sick pay in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.Employees receive maternity/ paternity leave in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.No child or forced labour is used (we adhere to the minimum working age defined by ILO Convention no. 138.2).Employees can access break-out rooms and healthy eating options within a reasonable distance.There is a strict no-smoking in the workplace policy.Policies and practices that support mental well-being, including a zero-tolerance policy regarding workplace bullying and harassment, are in place.A Health and safety risk assessment has been completed.Policies, practices and protocols that support a safe and healthy workplace are implemented.
Dental Premises
Showers and changing facilities are available to promote active travel for team members.Measures are in place to reduce heat loss through the roof.Double or secondary glazing is present to minimise heat loss through windows.Rainwater is harvested.Measures are in place to minimise heat loss through walls (cavity wall insulation, external or internal insulation).Sustainable or recycled materials are considered for building upgrades or renovations.
Inside the Surgery/Operatory
Clinical software is used instead of paper case-note files.Autoclavable impression trays are used rather than single-use plastic trays.Intra-oral scanning is used where possible over traditional impression techniques.A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) stock rotation system is used materials with the furthest expiry dates are placed behind those with a closer expiry date.Single-use cups are supplied for rinsing when required and are not offered routinely, or autoclavable tumblers are used instead.All non-contaminated packaging is recycled.A licensed waste management company collects and manages all dental amalgam waste.Amalgam separators are fitted to dental suction units utilised in amalgam fillings removal.Dental amalgam, if used, is dispensed from pre-dosed capsules.Autoclaves are filled to process instruments optimally and avoid unnecessary cycles.Autoclaves are serviced and calibrated per the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure optimal efficiency.Autoclaves are switched off and not left on standby in between use.Autoclave energy efficiency and its suitability for practice size are considered during procurement.Only difficult-to-clean areas are covered with plastic barriers.Washer disinfectors are only used when full.The waste contractor has confirmed they can recycle the high wet-strength paper backing of (uncontaminated) sterilisation pouches.Reusable sharps containers are used.X-ray fixer and developer are disposed of according to manufacturers instructions and not mixed together.Waste X-ray fixer is collected by a certified carrier and processed by a licensed hazardous waste disposal company.Unused X-ray films are collected by a certified waste carrier for recycling.Lead foil from the (X-ray) film packet is separated and processed for recycling.Chromium-free cleaners for X-ray developer systems are used.Prevention is acknowledged as the gold standard of sustainable oral healthcare.Remineralisation strategies are used in early caries management over restorative intervention.The link between periodontal disease and systemic disease is discussed with patients to help reduce the overall burden on healthcare systems and concomitantly on the environment.Sedation and general anaesthetic are offered as last resort in managing anxious patients.Digital radiography is in operation (thereby reducing radiation dose and eliminating chemical processing agents).Clinicians use minimally invasive tissue-preserving techniques when surgical intervention is required when managing caries lesions.Clinically be guided by the Minimally Invasive 5-R's Concept on managing failing tooth-restoration complexes (Review, Refurbish, Reseal, Repair and Replace only when clinically justifiable).Scavaging, capturing and cracking equipment are used to manage fugitive nitrous oxide gas emissions.
Information on public transport, e.g. bus routes, is included on the practice website and practice information leaflets.Secure cycle racks are fitted to encourage patients to cycle the practice.Team members are encouraged to walk, cycle, carpool or use public transportation.Advice offered over the phone to patients when feasible to reduce unnecessary travel.Patient recall intervals are based on individual disease risk assessment.Patient appointments are consolidated as much as possible to reduce their travel carbon footprint.Teledentistry is used to review patients when feasible.Practice owners offset their annual carbon footprint driving to and from work.
Social Responsibility
A Data Security Policy exists to safeguard patient information.Ideas on how the practice can positively impact the community are shared in practice meetings.Complaints or concerns are dealt with ethically.The practice regularly engages in local community and charity projects.The practice owners do not invest in organisations whose policies, actions, advocacy, products or services undermine progress toward UN Sustainability Goals.The practice does not use aggressive tax avoidance schemes.Income taxes are paid promptly.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in Non-Clinical Areas
Patient management software is used instead of paper options.Medical histories are collected in an electronic format.Treatment plans are offered, and consent is recorded electronically instead of on paper.Text and email reminders are sent out to patients.Paper waste is used for scrap paper etc.The practice has requested out of receiving all unnecessary mail.Used toner/print cartridges are recycled.A5 paper is used for printing where practicable, e.g. for prescriptions.Paper Use Reduction and Reduce Paper Wastage policies are in place.Duplex printing is carried out.Print margins and line spacing are set to be as small as possible (while still being clear enough to read).Documents and post memos are circulated rather than distributing individual copies to team members.Only certified recycled paper is used for all paper products.Stock orders are consolidated when possible to reduce shipping waste and the total number of deliveries.Patients in the patient lounge are offered an alternative to plastic and styrofoam cups.Recycling bins are optimally placed to encourage team and patient participation in effective recycling.Batteries, light bulbs, and electronics are disposed of correctly.All superseded equipment is either donated to emerging economies or sold.Rechargeable batteries are used in place of disposable batteries.All paper, glass, plastic, and aluminium waste is recycled.Energy-efficient white goods are fitted.The fridge is less than ten years oldRecycling bins available are available and optimally placed.A compost bin is available for the team to place waste food in.The fridge is positioned away from the wall and defrosted regularly.
- Raising Awareness
Greener Practice Plan
Sustainability Initiative
Target Date
Only enviro-safe and biodegradable cleaning agents are used.
In progress
Aerators fitted to taps to reduce water waste.
In progress
Eco-friendly toilet paper is used.
In progress
Eco-friendly, non-aerosol air fresheners are used.
In progress
Eco-friendly disinfecting agents are used.
In progress
Eco-friendly cleaning products are used.
In progress
Eco-friendly hand dryers are installed.
In progress
Motion-sensor with LED lighting is installed.
In progress
A sign is placed over the sinks to remind patients to turn off the water tap while cleaning their teeth.
In progress
Reverse osmosis waste water is harvested and used to flush toilets.
In progress
Sensor-controlled taps are fitted to turn off taps automatically.
In progress
Aerators fitted to taps to reduce water waste.
In progress
Dual flush cisterns are fitted to toilets.
In progress
A recycling point is available for patients to dispose of their used toothbrushes, interdental aids, spent toothpaste tubes etc.
In progress
The practice declines toothpaste samples from manufacturers.
In progress
Patients are offered plastic-free toothpaste tablets.
In progress
Patients are offered compostable toothbrushes to buy.
In progress
Patients are offered sustainable electric/power toothbrushes.
In progress
Patients are offered alternative plastic-free biodegradable interdental cleaning products.
In progress
Reusable toothbrush handles with replaceable brush heads are offered.
In progress
Regular audits of the contents of waste and recycling bins are conducted to ensure that waste has been disposed of correctly with the most negligible environmental impact.
In progress
The dental practice supports local businesses by sourcing their contractors locally.
In progress
Time or money is donated to local events promoting sustainability.
In progress
The practice participates in community-based tree planting or sponsors local reforestation programmes to create and maintain green spaces.
In progress
A green eco-roof system or a green wall system is installed.
In progress
Only neonicotinoids-free or natural pesticides are used.
In progress
Part of the garden planted is insect/bee/bird friendly to help promote biodiversity.
In progress
Team members offset their annual carbon footprint driving to and from work.
In progress
Older “wet” vacuum/suction units have been replaced with newer “dry” vacuum/suction systems.
In progress
Aerators fitted to taps to reduce water waste.
In progress
Audits of clinical waste bins are conducted every at least every year to ensure that waste has been managed correctly.
In progress
Eco-friendly, efficient reverse osmosis machines are used to generate water free of dissolved salts.
In progress
Patients are advised on how to dispose of prescribed medication appropriately.
In progress
Team members receive regular training on waste segregation to ensure waste is managed correctly.
In progress
Regular surgery waste bin audits are completed to determine which single-use plastic devices make up most of the waste and determine if a reusable option is available.
In progress
Surgery bins are labelled "Clinical waste" and "Domestic waste" for correct collection, disposal or recycling.
In progress
Reusable cloth bags are used instead of single-use pouches for packaging autoclaved instruments.
In progress
Washable surgical gowns are used instead of disposable gowns.
In progress
Autoclavable dappens dishes are utilised instead of single-use plastic.
In progress
Autoclavable three-in-one tips are used in place of single-use tips.
In progress
Autoclavable or environmentally friendly aspirator tips are used.
In progress
Refill packs of disinfecting wet wipes are used, so new plastic drums aren't required with each purchase.
In progress
Dry tissue is used with a disinfectant spray instead of wet wipes.
In progress
Environmentally friendly and non-toxic disinfecting products are used.
In progress
Clinical areas are zoned to simplify the decontamination process and reduce the amount of chemical disinfectant required.
In progress
We are an amalgam-free dental practice.
In progress
All windows and doors provide a tight seal or are draught-proof.
In progress
Renewable energy is generated on-site by means of photovoltaic panels or wind turbines.
In progress
Ground or Air source heat pumps are utilised as a means of heating.
In progress
A programmable thermostat and timer automatically adjust the temperature based on occupancy and preferences.
In progress
Hot water cylinders are sufficiently insulated.
In progress
Energy-efficient cool air hand dryers are installed.
In progress
Motion sensor switches to light up infrequently used rooms have been fitted.
In progress
All regular light bulbs have been replaced with LED bulbs.
In progress
The boiler is serviced and maintained according to manufacturer guidelines to ensure maximum efficiency.
In progress
A public commitment has been made to pursue a renewable energy strategy.
In progress
During recall appointments, patients are prompted to try sustainable oral healthcare products.
In progress
Information on sustainability is made available in the patient lounge to increase patient awareness.
In progress
Energy consumption and carbon footprint figures are communicated and discussed at team meetings with the aim of reducing future use.
In progress
Sustainability and team input on the environmental impact of the practice is allowed time for discussion during practice meetings.
In progress
A saving resources awareness campaign exists to encourage behaviour change within the team and patients.
In progress
Sustainability training is incorporated into staff induction and continued team training.
In progress
The practice's commitment to sustainability is displayed on the practice website, posters, patient information leaflets, etc.
In progress
The Sustainability Champion has completed a course on sustainable healthcare to help understand why sustainability matters and help ‘green’ your dental practice.
In progress