Charles Landau Dentistry
London United KingdomAn award winning Dental practice committed to clinical excellence and located in Islington, London
Environmental & Social Impact Performance
- Social Responsibility
Team Well-Being
All team members are paid at least a living wage.
No child or forced labour is used (we adhere to the minimum working age defined by ILO Convention no. 138.2).
All employees have the right to form and join trade unions of their choice (or to choose not to) and the right to bargain collectively.
An employee concerns/complaints process is in place that is accessible to all employees.
National labour laws or widely adopted minimum standards regarding work hours, overtime compensation, and contract hours have been adopted.
Employees are paid holiday leave in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.
Employees receive sick pay in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.
Employees receive maternity/ paternity leave in compliance with widely adopted minimum standards.
A fully funded defined-benefits pension plan or a defined-contribution pension plan is available to all employees.
Internal and external sources provide annual education, training and development.
A Health and safety risk assessment has been completed.
Policies, practices and protocols that support a safe and healthy workplace are implemented.
Policies and practices that support mental well-being, including a zero-tolerance policy regarding workplace bullying and harassment, are in place.
Employees can access break-out rooms and healthy eating options within a reasonable distance.
There is a strict no-smoking in the workplace policy.
Inside the Surgery/Operatory
Washer disinfectors are only used when full.
Clinical areas are zoned to simplify the decontamination process and reduce the amount of chemical disinfectant required.
Refill packs of disinfecting wet wipes are used, so new plastic drums aren't required with each purchase.
Eco-friendly, efficient reverse osmosis machines are used to generate water free of dissolved salts.
Environmentally friendly and non-toxic disinfecting products are used.
Autoclaves are serviced and calibrated per the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure optimal efficiency.
Dental Premises
Rainwater is harvested.
Measures are in place to reduce heat loss through the roof.
Double or secondary glazing is present to minimise heat loss through windows.
All windows and doors provide a tight seal or are draught-proof.
Sustainable or recycled materials are considered for building upgrades or renovations.
Measures are in place to minimise heat loss through walls (cavity wall insulation, external or internal insulation).
- Energy Use
Raising Awareness
The practice's commitment to sustainability is displayed on the practice website, posters, patient information leaflets, etc.
Sustainability training is incorporated into staff induction and continued team training.
Sustainability and team input on the environmental impact of the practice is allowed time for discussion during practice meetings.
Energy consumption and carbon footprint figures are communicated and discussed at team meetings with the aim of reducing future use.
Information on sustainability is made available in the patient lounge to increase patient awareness.
During recall appointments, patients are prompted to try sustainable oral healthcare products.
Greener Practice Plan
Not devised yet